Chisholm Students Win Top Honours at Sheridan College
Chisholm Students win TOP HONOURS at Sheridan College’s Awards Presentation.
Please read the following letter from a Chisholm Parent:
I thought you’d be interested in hearing that Sheridan College had their Student Awards Ceremony for the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Of the thousands of students in the program, the cream of the crop were recognized for Academic Achievements. We were very proud to see Jaime receive the College Profile Academic Achievement Award for General Arts and Sciences (highest GPA). It was also nice to see that Darius Rose won the General Arts and Science Award of Excellence for 1 Year University Profile Certificate program. I thought it was pretty cool that Chisholm, a small school, had 2 students at the top of the class. I also think it speaks to the fantastic teachers at Chisholm who provide so much inspiration, guidance and support while giving students the tools they need to succeed. Please pass along our best wishes to everyone and have a happy, safe summer!
Michael Convery